
What is a vet emergency?

Vet emergency

Need an emergency veterinarian?

Contact our emergency service now for a consultation with one of our expert veterinarians.

+32 720 00 24

It’s 3 a.m. Your dog is vomiting repeatedly and hasn´t drunk any water all day. Do you wait until morning when your usual vet is open, or should you call VET&GO? If you have any doubt, then it’s probably a vet emergency. A quick phone call to our qualified team of vets will review your pet’s situation, reassure you and tell you if your pet needs immediate treatment.

Of course, a vet emergency doesn´t always happen in the middle of the night. Your pet could have a road accident, be attacked by another animal, be injured at home or while out walking, have eaten something dangerous or may have become ill for no apparent reason. Whatever your veterinary emergency, we’re here to listen, assess and recommend out-of-hours treatment.